Research into music videos

Monday 30 June 2014

History of a music video - Miss Georgiou

List of ways how people can consume music videos. Has this changed over the years?

-Youtube (Can be accessed via. Twitter, facebook and more social media)
-Television programmes (106&park) & within a TV show
-TV music channels MTV etc
-More portable to access music videos on phones, ipads etc. Due to Youtube, vimeo and more video platforms.
-Concerts and cinemas
-top of the pops

First ever music video - black and white, low quality, shown in theatres

Research into the music video industry and considered how they have developed and changed over the years. How has this affected the consumption of music videos?

History of MTV and the impact on music videos

MTV was the first ever music channel. MTV was launched on August 1st 1981, from their New York headquarters. It just started as a music channel that was guided by television personalities know as 'video jockeys'. Now as of, August 2013 approx. 97,654,000 American households (85.1% of households with television) receive MTV. This shows that many people watch MTV I will now go int more detail describing the effect and impact MTV has had on music video distribution and awareness.

Music videos soon became the most innovative stuff on TV. Some, like A-Ha's "Take on Me" -- which stepped between reality and the world of illustration - set new standards in special effects and animation.

Media analysts also believe MTV has had an impact on modern culture. Since the channel relies on interesting visuals to capture viewing audiences, MTV is constantly upping the creative ante for artists who freely experiment with bright colors, images, fast editing, motifs, dreamlike imagery, and other visual techniques, which began showing up on other television shows, in movies, and in advertising. Some observers believe the phenom has ushered in a new visual order. Which has impacted on the way we view an artist, their music and their creative ability. Furthermore, I believe that MTV has impacted the sales for music as the target audience can see the video easily by just going on MTV hits etc. and then purchase the video via. ITunes/store. Giving people the opportunity to see all the latest music out and find out what they like the best then purchase.

YouTube and its impact on music videos

YouTube was founded in February 14, 2005. YouTube is a video sharing website, where users can upload, view and share videos. Music videos have been widely used as a database to hold music videos for all to see for free. Which then allows viewers to comment their opinion on the video and like or dislike the video. The most watched video is Gangnam style - PSY, holding a total of 2,022,376,481 billion views! YouTube have made videos very accessible for people as you can access YouTube via your smart phone, ipad, laptop and more technology. Therefore making videos mch more easier to view. As you don't have to just be at home with MTV on to watch a new music video like what you had to do in the past. You can watch it anywhere as long as there is internet access. This accessibility makes people more willing to view a music video as its easy.

Budgets for music videos vary and are dependent on a lot of things. If the company are very big and profitable a lot of money can go towards producing that music video. For example, Michael Jackson Scream being $7m. The highest costig music video ever made. 
 However, and independent artist with no management or label could spend £50 on a music video. It all depends on the artist. And what is included in the budget. Like lighting, extras, setting, costume, make-up, videographer, producer and much more costs.

Special effects have developed over the years starting with the green screen to more developed visuals. Technology has improved, cameras and video technology has become more clear and high definition. Producing a better quality music video to the audience. 

Different music videos recieve different numbers of views some in the hundreds with popular artists in the millions. Music videos can be aimed at different age groups such as older music videos like Madonna's could be aimed at adults 40+ where as nicki minaj's music videos would be aimed at young teens and young adults. So it all depends on the artist.

Many music genres have developed over the year. But the main genre that has recieved a recent wide success is pop. Pop derived from the term popular music. Pop started from the 1950s but in the form of rock and roll. However, pop music then started to evolve taking inspirations from other genres such as dance, gospel, jazz and more. Madonna and Whitney were pop artists in the 90s. Where as, Michael Jackson was a pop icon in the 60s-70s and there music is very different. This shows the evolution the pop genre has had. And it is constantly going through change.

1 comment:

  1. Your research into music videos demonstrates some understanding of the music industry and some significant moments. You have considered the role of MTV and youtube and have also focused on some examples, but these examples are a bit vague and this is because you have not explored the examples in more detail.

    Aim to explore your examples in more detail, by relating to specific music videos or images to discuss your points further. For example, you have started to include points on the expensive music video by Michael Jackson, but have not explored your examples in detail, which is needed.
