Research into music videos

Tuesday 30 September 2014

Target audience results - Miss Miller

This research was carried out to find out what certain concepts appeal to our target audience, so I can ensure that they will enjoy the music video that I will create. The research was carried out to gain more ideas of what to include in the music video, to decide if the artist we are doing will appeal to our target market and what elements of an Indie music video attract and entertain our target audience. The reason why we had forty people participate in this questionnaire was in order to allow the data to be more representative and valid. Collecting information from a wider audience is more likely to produce quantitative and representative results. These results will help me to plan what content is going to be shown in the music video. Also, when it comes down to creating a storyboard I would have gained more ideas, making the storyboard task easier.  

The first question was asked to find out our audience's gender. This chart clearly displays that their are more males (62%) than females (38%) But the ratio between them is not too different. This will allow me to know what gender we will target our music video at, which will be males due to the data. But I will make sure that the music video is suitable for both sexes and is universal for both genders to enjoy. This question has been useful as it has helped us decide on the gender of our audience. Which will allow us to make the music video more conventional to males. Which will allow them to be more entertained by the music video. 

This question was asked to find out if our audience even enjoy the genre of the music video which we will be producing. The pie chart shows me that most of our audience like indie music, which is great as it means that the genre we are doing has a demand in the market. So this has been a confirmation to continue to make our music video/song choice Indie. These results shown tell us that we are likely to benefit from making our music video in this genre.  

It also proves that our questionnaire was not biased and that everyone we asked had different tastes and likes in music. But from these results I will take on the fact that the difference of 55% and 45% aren't great. So this issue can be solved by adapting the indie genre by adding conventions from other genres such as, pop - fast editing, bright colours etc. to make sure the music video is targeted at a variety of individuals. 

As Ed Sheeran is the artist we will be producing a music video for, it was important to find out if our audience are fans of him and his music. The data displays that 60% of the audience are fans and 40% are not. This allowed me to find out if Ed Sheeran is admired by many and if it would be worth while for us to do his song. However, we found out that he has a large fan base. Due to his popularity it would prove successful to make a music video for Ed's song 'Runaway'. This has also given me a sign of not to subvert what Ed Sheeran usually gives to his audience. As his fans blatantly like what he is doing. So we should ensure that our music video is something which can be easily connected with Ed sheeran's previous music videos and current artistry. 

This question was done to find out our audiences age range. And If the questionnaire was aimed at the right target audience which was planned to be 16-25 and we see that out of the 40people 80% of the individuals that we questioned were aged 16-25. This has allowed us to make sure that our results are valid and catered to our target audience. This question was done to inform me if the majority of the individuals questioned were the target audience age of a typical indie music video. With this question it will also allow us to  be confident in including alcohol references, violent imagery and forms of abuse to portray our chosen song in a deeper manner. So we now know that our target audience are suitable for this content.

In the indie genre a typical convention is a narrative based music video. With these results it has proved to me that an indie music video is more liked by people, with the results being (89%). These results mean that I will put more time and effort in producing a quality narrative in order to satisfy the audience. And increase the amount of viewers for the music video, which will increase the popularity of the music video and artist; Benefiting the institution.

But, this does not mean that we will not satisfy the needs of the 11% which enjoy performance based music videos. We will include aspects of performance for example, lip singing. In order to make our music video enjoyable for all.

This pie chart allows me to see what typical conventions that appeals to the audience. With the highest being narrative at 40% and the lowest being other at 5%. These results show me that the audience enjoy narrative based music videos, which is also shown in the pie chart above. This is great as it will allow us to follow the convention of an indie music video while satisfying the audience. The portrayal of love at 35% shows us that a theme of love should be shown to the audience as it appeals to them. This was also great news as the song runaway gives a hint of romance and a love interest. As it talks about running away with someone. So a female used as another character to portray a relationship will entertain our audience.   

From the 10% of both simplicity and performance displays to us that these two elements would not be beneficial to focus on our include. I will then try to make sure that the music video is not to simple or budget as it could look to the audience as cheap, unprofessional and maybe not give a sense of realism. But I will still use a low-budget location which looks great to the audience and fits in with genre conventions. The performance being at 10% confirms that we shouldn't focus on the performance side as that is not what the audience want to see. 

In this pie chart we can identify that most people feel that cinematography (38%). This means that we should make sure that we include quality cinematography such as, close ups, long shots, mid shots, panning and more. This may be liked as it adds dimension to the music video. This has informed me that cinematography should be an aspect that we plan properly and spend time on a it's what our audience like. Mise-en-scene 32% will also be focused on greatly by using conventions in the indie genre such as, low-key lighting, isolated setting for mystery and suspense and props such as instruments (guitar). This will increase the entertainment factor for our audience as well a following vital genre conventions. Editing will also be focussed on through fast editing, a time lapse and more. Satisfying all of our audience.

This allowed us to find out what music genre our audience prefer and allowed us to see their different tastes in music. I am glad to say that Indie was the highest at 58% as it confirmed that our audience enjoy the indie genre. Therefore, our music video would be enjoyable and successful to our target audience. This has allowed me to also find out that the second popular genre for this music video is R&B. So I will try to include elements of R&B into my music video. Ed Sheeran has a R&B feel/beat incorporated into the song runaway so it will be easy to portray R&B conventions into the music video. Other genres that the audience enjoy such as rock,rap and pop will be ignored. As you can't target a wide audience with every song. So it is better to focus on one or two genres to make sure that the video lives up to those genre conventions/expectations. Than to focus on all 5 genres listed in the pie chart, for the music video to then look unclear. 

The setting that was most expected to see in a music video was a simple setting. This shows that simple setting will be beneficial and liked by our audience. And will also allow the budget for this music video to stay low which is great. It is then followed by an isolated setting at 20%, forest and fields 15% and estate buildings at 12%. These all follow the conventions of an indie music video. So I will make sure that I will contain all thee conventions to make sure that the audience are not put off by not seeing it. And enjoy the music video much more. 

Lastly, many people felt that the lighting makes a music video interesting. So we will then aim to make a music video more appealing by containing a range of lighting techniques such as low-key lighting, chiaroscuro effect and day lighting. In order to add to the mood of the music video and effect the audiences emotions. Which will make the audience more entertained and want to continue watching it.  

To conclude, from this research I have found out that the audience enjoy the indie conventions and are fans of Ed Sheeran and the indie genre. Therefore, the audience will appreciate the music video that my group and I will create. As the characteristics and elements in the music video, will be targeted directly at them. Making the music video overall more enjoyable and fun for the audience to watch. 
  I will incorporate my results into my music video by satisfying the audience with what elements they enjoy seeing, the setting most people like to see etc. Giving the majority what they like, as well as satisfying the minority tastes. If I were to carry out this research again I would most likely make the results more specific. And find out the responses for the answer 'other' to help develop our ideas for our music video.

  Vox pops


(The change in voice's doing the questioning, was due to me sometimes having to record the video) 



  1. You have provided a basic analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, but not going into enough detail on what you will include within your video as a result.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain what you will include (more specifically) within your music video because of your results
    2) Change 'what is your favourite music genre' or 'do you like the indie genre' as they are too similar to each other so do not provide enough info
    3) You need to make sure some of your questions are clearly open - add 'an why' on to the end of some of them
    4) Include a paragraph on why you made vox pops of your questionnaire
    5) Include a copy of your questionnaire

  2. Include a paragraph applying one of the subculture theories to your work, explaining why you have chosen this particular one.
