Research into music videos

Monday 15 December 2014

Group magazine advert - Miss Miller

Final advert 

As a group we had a meeting during lesson where we displayed out individual magazine ideas to the group. Once we done this, we looked at the strongest design out of all our magazine adverts and felt that Amber's was the best designed. We then added aspects of the other individual magazine advert to enhance and develop the quality of the advert. For example, the font was changed, it now displays number one album and the colours are more vibrant these are adaptations which derived from Dominico, Robyn and my individual magazine advert. 

Amber's magazine was the design that we stuck to for our magazine advert. The picture below is Amber's individual magazine advert.

The colours and images in my magazines advert have changed. In my own individual advert the theme was black and white, rather dull. This has somewhat been mixed into the magazine advert with half of the poster being black and white and the other being more colourful. The black and white theme remained in the magazine advert as we felt that it was conventional to the indie genre and created mystery for the audience as well as depth for the artist. But in this group magazine advert it is also more vibrant and fun than my individual advert. I feel like this appeals to the young audience (15-25) we are aiming at as it displays boldness and fun through the use of bright colours like reds,greens and pinks. It has made my artist appear as an upbeat musician but also shows edge by displaying of the tattoo parlour. I feel like the mixture of the two colours juxtapose one another in an interesting way. Which I feel relates to the artists brand image and music style showing that Nico is both upbeat and happy but also deep and indie.

The images have also changed, in my own individual advert I used only one image of Nico Johnson. However the main Image displaying Nico is the same picture I used for my artist but with the background edited out. It still has the effect of displaying Nico Johnson as a self-efficient artist. As the picture displays him looking away from the camera appearing very humble and reticent as if the camera isn't even there. This can allow the audience to believe that the artists is innocent and doesn't care about the money or the game. Which can allow them to build more of a relationship with Nico as they feel that he's a good genuine person. It also promotes him well as it is showing his character to the audience and allowing them to understand him through his body language. Indie artists tend to not look into the camera to appear more raw, edgy and real to the audience so this is also conventional to the Indie genre. 

The image of the background tattoo and adult stores for the background show that the artist is mature and is edgy. This can allow the audience to view the artist as someone who is cool which can then make Nico to be viewed and considered as there role model. Which can lead to a more long term fan base which would definitely help increase sales for Nico's debut album. 

Another image used in this advert is the taxi's with Nico holding a guitar on his back. I felt like this was used to connote the fact that the artists lifestyle or life is moving very fast. In terms of his life situations and experiences which could relate to some of the deep songs like Runaway. As you can see it is taken on the street I feel like it will allow the audience to see that my artist is a normal person, strolling through the streets of London so they will be able to relate to Nico's lifestyle more. This can allow the audience to view the artist as someone like themselves. Allowing the artist to form a good representation of themselves helping Nico to be promoted in a positive light. Furthermore, this image is conventional as it displays Nico holding a guitar, autistic guitars are very natural and conventional in the indie genre.

Robyn's original magazine advert was very similar to the group magazine advert, it also used similar typography and the same image of the artist but with the original background.

The typography in this advert is very simple and plain compared to my own individual magazine advert. I much prefer the simple font as I feel that it displays Nico well as he is a very plain, easy going and simple character. I feel that the simplicity of the font really represent his brand and image. Indie artists tend to use normal font to represent how real they are. Also, the boldness of the font to me represents there confidence and strong talent. The font for Nico Johnson name I feel was similar to my own advert as it used overlapping font to show boldness, creativity and uniqueness, giving the artist an edge. For the audience this font and typography style will make him stand out from all the other music artists and give Nico a competitive advantage. Allowing his advert to be promoted effectively. 

The main language use in the advert is 'hit' this term is a British idiom used to describe when something is big or on top. This I feel targets the audience properly as the target audience are mainly British and Indie is much more popular in the UK. So I feel the market is targeted effectively through language terms. This was kept as we felt that it was the most appropriate term to describe that our artists album has been a success. 

The layout and design of the advert is very different, it has many pictures combined into one and many elements incorporated into it. I feel that it made our design very unique and unconventional which fits in with the indie genre. The text is in many different places on the design which I feel makes it more appealing to look it and more interesting. 

I feel that Domenico's design inspired the layout and design of our final advert through the interesting graphics, crown logo and imagery

Strengths and weaknesses

One weakness of my own advert is that my font did not show up so well on the grayscale background as the colour of the font just didn't stand out which would make it hard for the audience to read, however It looked very professional and clean through the use of the images of colour coding. But as mentioned, the font couldn't be identified easily.

Domenico's advert had great design and graphic potential but it was unfinished and lacked general details to inform the audience of what the advert was for, the album etc. But the colour scheme and logo of the king were great ideas.

Robyn's poster was nice and simple, following the grayscale scheme like my own. I feel that it was straight to the point and catchy. However, it maybe lacked too little information as it didn't show where you can buy the album or a website which the artist has. Therefore, if it was a real magazine advert the audience would not be able to keep up to date and in touch with the artist that easily as this information was not put down. But the design is snappy and easily understood. 

In conclusion, I feel that my advert does conform to the indie genre as it uses the grayscale theme, identifies indie iconography such as a guitar, the artist looks indie by wearing plan clothing and by looking away from the camera - portraying a reticent identity. These are all characteristics and conventions which a typical indie artist will display in their ancillary texts. I do feel that it appeals to the target audience in terms of age and interest. The age we aim to target is 15-25 year olds and I feel that by the design of the advert and the bright colours used it will appeal to the younger generation. Also, it satisfies our audience as it portrays an artist who is humble and reticent through Nico's relaxed, easy going body language in the image. This is what our audience of Indie lovers like to see. I felt that it was good working in a group to create this final advert as it allowed us to contribute more design ideas to make our advert appear more finished and flawless.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a sound analysis of your group advert, explaining clearly how the different elements used appeal to you TA etc.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you state specifically what elements you took from each group member’s advert and why
    2) Complete an analysis of each group member's individual adverts - Amber's original one; Domenico's analysis is a bit vague
    3) Make sure you explain how elements used are conventional or not of the genre
