Research into music videos

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Censorship - Miss Miller

  1. Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication or other information which may be considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, politically incorrect or inconvenient as determined by governments, media outlets, authorities or other such entities. - Wikipedia 

    Censorship is used on a music video or the lyrics that an artist is singing or rapping in there song. It is used to block out, cover up these things to keep it hidden from the audience. Due to explicit visuals or explicit language. Which may be inappropriate for some viewers for example, young viewers. 

Ofcom are the office of communications it regulates broadcasting and telecommunications that are given to audiences. It is government approved. It has rules that TV/music channels should follow and deals with the complaints. 

Examples of censored music videos:

Eminem's music lyrics would be censored on the public clean version due to swear words/explicit lyrics. 

Rihanna's 2011 number 1 song We Found Love. The video featured scenes of Rihanna and an impersonation of her ex Chris Brown getting steamy, taking each others clothes off, Rihanna throwing up on the street, pills and drugs being scattered on the screen, Rihanna and her boyfriend fighting, so this resulted in MTV censoring parts and French authorities banning the video to be shown on T.V in France before 10pm.

In 2012, Rita Ora's "How We Do (Party)" was censored, having the words "Drunk sex", "shot of Jack", and "smoking" silenced from the audio, supplementing the removal of the usual profanities.


Parents for censorship agree with it because it protects their child from being influenced by these mature music videos. They feel as though these mature and explicit music videos can influence their child's behaviour and cause them to be introduced to topics such as sex, drugs, alcohol, death etc too early. They feel that things they themselves wanted to teach their children in time. Are nowadays being introduced to their children by music artists/music videos in a more positive light. Censoring music videos protect a child from issues that do not yet concern them. It also means parents don't have to worry about what there child is watching as it will be censored anyway.


However, many parents are against censorship as they feel that censorship restricts a child's knowledge. These parents have a more relaxed view on explicit music videos. Believing that their child will be introduced to this sooner or later from peers or some other form of media. Parents against censorship feel that there child will have to choose for themselves whether they want to listen to that type of music sooner or later. They believe that no censorship allows a child to be more mature and decide whether they like that music for themselves. It's just down to the parents to teach the child between wrong and right. Also they feel that censorship is limited anyway and a child can make out what's been censored, making them curious about what was initially there before being censored. 


Many artists would not be happy to be censored. As it can stop them from expressing themselves fully as swear words help to emphasise pain and anger in music. With that being censored may not get the mood and expression across to the audience as well. And it may mean that the artist has to release a clean version replacing the explicit words. But being censored is good as it allows the artist to be more globalised and gain more fans. As it allows them to reach many audiences. It allows them to be positive inspirational role models to their audience especially young audience. Which could be good for their sales and profitability. 


Fans would not be so happy with censorship as they would want to see the full artist. With no cover ups. Wanting to see the full artist and everything explicit. So they don't miss out on anything of the artists. And feel like censorship removes a part of the song, therefore removing the artists general message that they were trying to put across through there lyrical creativity and visual creativity. 
Record label:

The record label will agree with censorship as it will mean that they don't recieve negative publicity surrounded around their company and artist. Which could cause them to lose sales. But the record label can sometimes support there artist to not have censorship and therefore not like sensor ship. As it stops the artist being a true individual, being creative and not conforming to societies expectations. And just doing what's true to themselves. As record labels promote individuality. 

British music channels wl appreciate censorship. As obscene visuals and lyrics shown on their channels may cause them to lose views. This would apply to a music channel like MTV as they are very reputable and have a high expectation to live up to with that they show the viewers. As they have a very wide target audience they have to be mindful of what they show. And censorship allows globalisation, so everyone can watch it. Allowing MTV to keep their views high and remain profitable. 
 However, a music channel such as Channel AKA is a niche music Channel. Showing mainly R&B/Rap/Hip-hop music videos. So censorship may not mean as much to them as there music channel is urban. And I feel that they would like the full music video without censorship so they artist can be expressed better to the audience. And so it gives off that urban feel that channel aka aims to do.

British Radio Stations – BBC Radio 1/Capital Xtra I feel would be for censorship. As radio stations are heard by many many ears. So censorship will protect them from playing any music that is not suitable for an audience e.g young people. Which keeps them reputable and trustworthy in the future. As an in censored song played on their radio station could have a negative reputation on the radio station as a whole. Associating the radio station with explicit music. 

To conclude, the main belief on censorship of artists is that it should be done in order to protect certain audiences from being revealed to obscenity.

I believe that music videos should be censored. As a censored video has more positives than negatives and I feel people would all be satisfied as the music is appropriate.  Having younger siblings myself I wouldn't want them to come across an explicit video causing them to change their behaviour and influence their actions. I'd prefer for that to be hidden to keep them protected through their tender ages where their minds are influenced by negative and positive things. 

Also it can confuse some young viewers if they have been already taught that these things are wrong. But they are in front of their face and ears wih little choice - it can confuse their morals and beliefs that they've been socialised into.

In my own music video, I will not censor anything explicit. As my music video will not be shown to younger viewers. But will only be seen by people 17 and above. So I feel that there is not a need to censor the video.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a basic analysis of the various issues surrounding censorship, but have provided a detailed personal stance on censorship, explaining your views on it and how it will influence your music video.

    You need to:
    1) Refer to either Rihanna or Eminem for all the stances taken in the debate
    2) Put your information in the correct order
    3) Elaborate on ALL points made and refer to specific examples
